**Note the change in venue**
I hope everyone has recovered from a fantastic PHPNW12 conference! We have changed to a new venue this month which is Joshua Brooks. The talk is by Adrian Hardy on MySQL Binary Logging. This talk covers the basics of mySQL's binary logging feature. Once it's configured there are several important areas of application for the binary logs: scaling out, disaster recovery and simple but effective data forensics. By the end of the talk, binary logging should be considered a standard setup for both sysadmins and developers alike.
PHPNW (PHP North West) is a group focussing on the PHP web development language in the North-of-England.
Where: 106 Princess Street, Manchester, M1 6NG [1] (Downstairs, Basement)
When: 7pm Tuesday 6th November 2012
What: MySQL Binary Logging - Adrian Hardy
Come along, grab a drink and join in :)
We have our meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. The venue has free WiFi and serves food 'til 8pm.
[1] http://goo.gl/maps/ozjPJ
Official Website: http://www.phpnw.org.uk
Added by Rick Ogden on October 31, 2012