Arch 7, Deansgate Locks, Whitworth Street
Manchester, England M1 5LH

This month is Lightning Talks Night, pecha kucha style. You make a presentation with 20 slides in it, and set them to advance automatically after 20 seconds. With a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds per talk, this is a great way of trying out speaking without taking it too seriously :) Just turn up with your slides and we'll fit in as many as we can - talks don't need to be technical, tell us anything you want to!

PHPNW (PHP North West) is a group focussing on the PHP web development language in the North-of-England.

Where: Revolution, Arch 7, Deansgate Lock, Whitworth Street, Manchester, M1 5LH [1] (Normally in the lounge at the back on the entrance level)
When: 7pm Tuesday 4th August 2009
What: Lightning talks delivered by attendees

Come along, grab a drink and join in :)

We have our meetings at Revolution on the first Tuesday of each month. The venue has free WiFi and serves food 'til 9pm.


Added by lornajane on July 8, 2009