Trompstraat 340
Den Haag, Zuid-Holland 2518 BT

The new year has just started, and to start off well the dutch PHP usergroup (phpGG) is organizing a frontend-oriented event. This event is intended for developers who get in touch with client-side technology. Not just PHP developers, also frontend developers, and everyone who has to deal with frontend stuff in some way.

Whether you deal with frontends on a daily basis, or are curious to the possibilities of making a new application more attractive in a graphical sense, you can't miss out on this day. Besides all this, it's also an excellent opportunity to get a (free!) membership of phpGG!

On this day, several common frontend technologies will be discussed. For example, there will be a presentation of using Adobe Flex/Air together with PHP, Microsoft Silverlight together with PHP and AJAX together with PHP.

This event is organized by phpGG, and sponsored by Itera. For the when, where and how to get that free membership, check out the phpGG website (dutch) for all the information

Official Website:

Added by skoop on January 7, 2009