PHPCamp is a 'ad-hoc gathering' for PHP community. It similar to barcamp, but more focused towards PHP based web application development.
It is targeting all the PHP enthusiast and starters to join this technical extravaganza this means that anyone can come to PHPCamp and participate.
Why, Yet another camp?
Yes, we do agree there are so many great camps now a days with general purpose which covers either "open-source" or some of them are specializations into different 'CMS' / 'Framework' like structures.
But by both concepts we actually can not bring whole PHP community together, which is most popular and supposed to be the most growing community.
Call for speakers
If you want to present something or share your knowledge please register your session now If you have never presented before let this event be your first. If you are wondering about what to speak, then check out topics campers are interested in:
Official Website:
Added by Navin Kabra on June 24, 2009