Photovoltaic Design for Engineers & Designers: A 3-Day Course on Producing PV Design Documents is an intensive solar workshop for design professionals on the specific skills needed to produce high quality feasibility reports, drawings and specifications for grid-tied PV systems of all sizes. These designs are currently in high demand by architectural design teams, engineering firms, developers, and discerning property owners. This class will refine your skills and help you confidently negotiate through design development, stringent building dept & DSA reviews, the bidding process, and construction administration.
NABCEP approved - this course provides 21 hours of continuing education credits for North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP).
**Please note that we will NOT cover off-grid, stand-alone PV system design or bulk-generation power plants serving remote loads.
***We will only cover code and utility requirements for the USA, however many of the basic design lessons can apply internationally.
Class Schedule: Classes run from 9:00am - 5:00pm each day
Note: The June class has been rescheduled to September
Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2008, at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, CA.
Dec 8-10, 2008, at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco, CA
Fort Mason Center is easily reached by public transportation from the San Francisco International Airport and most points in the Bay Area, and is within walking distance of many sights & lodging choices including an on-site hostel. For details see:
*We recommend confirming registration with payment as early as possible to ensure a space in class. Our classes often sell out..
Course Fee: $950. There is a $150 discount for currently registered college students providing a copy of a current student ID. Limited class size. Fee includes classes, course materials & lunches. Lodging NOT included.
You also get course materials including:
-Workbook with course topics, quick references & calculation tools
-CD-R with references & pdf drawing sets of various sample project types to use as reference for your future designs
-Printed drawing sets for in-depth study during class
Official Website:
Added by kekai32 on June 28, 2008