601 Townsend St
San Francisco, California CA

A photographer and VFX artist with a BFA in Photography, Lisa is the co-founder of HDR-VFX, based in Nyack, NY. Last year, she spent over 7 months on the road shooting HDR panorama-based virtual tours of Lexus Dealships across the US.


We also will be announcing our winner for the Design contest for a new Photoshop Till You Drop website.

The contest is for the creation of both a logo and a site home page design.

The winner of the contest will get a full copy of Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium CS4
(US$1,799 Value!)

The specs on the design are must look good on a 1024x768 monitor, and be easy for me to turn into CSS and HTML.

Please take a look at
and use the same site architecture.

As for content please see
for meeting info.

As for images, or links right now I don't have any as I am only looking for a layered psd with the site layout that looks good at 1024 x 768 as well as a separate psd with only the logo.

Since photoshop's main color is blue, you might want to work within that pallet.

In November 2007, Fire On The Bay, The SF Fireworks User Group ran a similar contest.
Please check out http://www.fireonthebay.org to see the winning entry.

The winner for this contest will be selected at the March 2009 meeting.
Please email luke at manager@fireonthebay.org if you have any questions.


This is event is FREE, but please,
RSVP on Meetup.com to ensure you are on the guest list:

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Photoshop-till-you-Drop/calendar/9622125/

Added by courtneyp on March 2, 2009

Interested 1