This workshop is designed for any digital photographer who wishes to get beyond color's basic descriptive nature and into color as a more creative force: color as emotion or mood, color as graphic punch, color as muted and serene, color as abstraction, color as a subject-unto-itself.
The class will be a fun crash-course in the Art of Color as we'll look at examples of photography, as well as painting, to illustrate artistic ideas. Over the weekend, you will learn about the color wheel and how to utilize it. There will be plenty of exercises and mini-shooting assignments to start your thinking about color as a potent tool. By the end of the weekend, each student will have a small set of prints demonstrating new ideas and attitudes about color's function within a photograph.
Technically, we will delve into white balance, in-camera settings, and also do some post-processing in Photoshop to shape the "color story" of our images further.
Official Website:
Added by projectbasho on January 19, 2010