Digital negatives are an essential component of a hybrid work-flow that uses the best of old-style film technology combined with the latest digital methods. This comprehensive two-day workshop will cover various approaches to the creation of the digital negative, methods for fine tuning the negative for optimal printing, as well as many tips and tricks.
Instruction will use Mac computers and Epson 3800 printers. The first day will be spent creating custom QTR digital negatives and working with various adjustment methods for perfecting the negative. The second day will focus on editing, dodging and burning techniques, sharpening for effective results and printing from the negatives in palladium. A side benefit of this workshop will be an intensive primer in fine art palladium printing.
Students interested in learning these techniques should have experience and feel comfortable with using Photoshop to benefit from the workshop.
Official Website:
Added by projectbasho on January 19, 2010