1005 Triangle Lake Rd
Howell, Michigan 48843

You will have the opportunity to photograph 4-6 birds-of-prey in a beautiful natural setting. The birds are tethered at the edge of a large field, with a great deal of attention given to props, perches and backgrounds. The workshop is under the direction of Steve Gettle or Skip Moody, nationally known, well published, professional nature photographers. Steve and Skip, along with three other experienced photographers, donate their time and knowledge of the fine art of nature photography to benefit the participants. The workshop will last three to four hours and will include a great lunch! For an extra $10, arrive at 11:00 for a fantastic slide show and question and answer period. Photographers of all skill levels are welcome, but please have working knowledge of your equipment. Pre-registration is Required. These workshops fill up weeks in advance so register early!

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 7, 2010