Main street
Northampton, Massachusetts 01060

Hobby or Pro photographers Western Massachusetts area interested in a meet up. Saturday May 17th. I put a call out to other photo forums and have got a few people showing interested. Of course I would be happier if more Pentax folks could make it.

City of Northampton is a great little artsy town. Lots of things to shoot and we should have no problem having fun. I want to say I am not offering any prizes or free give aways. Just a fun few hours and a chance to meet the folks we chat with here and maybe learn something new.

The plan is to meet in front of the Calvin Theater at around 9am

The Calvin Theatre and Performing Arts Center
19 King Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 586-8686

I am really looking forward to this even if it is just me and my Nikon buddy.

Thanks and look forward to seeing you.

Added by Pentaxpat on May 2, 2008



We are still a go for the event. We put together a list of spots we could walk to and shoot around during the morning. It looks like about 5-7 folks have expressed interest. I hope to see you there.