What makes one color photo an everyday picturesque postcard and another a strong, emotive image? This class is designed for those students interested in harnessing color's power, emotion, texture, story. What happens when a photographer uses just 1 or 2 colors instead of a full spectrum? What happens when color opposites are juxtaposed? What happens when color goes beyond basic description and into abstraction?
This class is for those students who are ready to use digital color as a creative force to make potent images. As part of the class's main emphasis on the esthetics of color, we will look at a range of color photography from the masters (current and past). The class will also touch on the technical side of the spectrum: custom white balance, in-camera image settings, jpeg versus raw Þles, post-processing, color spaces, and more. Assignments will be given to begin practicing new ways of photographing and seeing.
Official Website: http://www.projectbasho.org/workshops/2009fall/beginner-digital-photo-color.html
Added by projectbasho on September 23, 2009