January 28th and 29th 2012, Sat. & Sun., 8:00am - 5:00pm
This program provides instruction in the art of drawing blood. It is intended for medical assistants, emergency medical technicians, vocational nurses, registered nurses, and physicians who use or plan to use phlebotomy skills within their scope of work. Students will become proficient in venipuncture with syringe, vacutainer, butterfly, and fingerstick methods built upon a foundation of basic principles of venous anatomy, physiology, and sterile technique. Upon successful completion of program, the student will receive a certificate of completion from Boston Reed College.
Outcomes and Objectives:
After successful completion of this program the student will be able to:
Describe proper bedside manner and how to prepare patient for venipuncture collection.
Identify locations on the human body appropriate for venipuncture collection.
Demonstrate the venipuncture collection procedure using a butterfly, vacutainer and syringe and how to dispense blood into tubes following syringe collection.
Demonstrate the proper procedure for collecting skin puncture specimens.
Explain basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.
Use proper safety precautions with relation to handling blood and body fluids.
Demonstrate venipuncture collection procedures according to accepted guidelines.
Official Website: http://www.bostonreedcollege.com/
Added by FullCalendar on December 8, 2011