Philosophers' Café
Topic: Enjoying the game when the rules have changed: Newly framed artists' practices upset art's applecart yet again.
Vancouver Art Gallery
Dessous Dessus (or Art’s Underwear) continues ...
750 Hornby Street
Admission: $5 at the door
Join Dr. Margot Leigh Butler to consider, through artists’ and theorists’ work, some of the contested hotspots and revealing relations between Modernity, Postmodernity and Globality. Dr. Butler is an interdisciplinary educator who has taught locally and abroad in universities and art galleries, as well as on alternative education projects. She holds a PhD from Goldsmiths College, London, and is an artist, cultural theorist and activist. She is currently the Academic Director of Humanities 101 at the University of British Columbia.
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Added by SFU-CSHC on February 15, 2007