620 Sixth St
New Westminster, British Columbia V3L 3C3

Topic: Rethinking Dinner: The Political and Ethical Implications of Our Food Choices

7:30 pm, 3rd Wednesday of the month
Everyone welcome. Pre-registratin not required. Admission by donation. For further information and/or to get on the mailing list email: mano.daniel@gmail.com.

Moderator: Mano Daniel received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Waterloo. He teaches in the Philosophy and Humanities Department at Douglas College.

The Café is an opportunity to meet and discuss interesting topics with interesting people. And, it is an attempt to introduce a different sort of community event to New Westminster. Hoping to see you there and looking forward to your participation.

Official Website: http://www.sfu.ca/philosopherscafe/newwest.htm

Added by ManoDaniel on February 4, 2007