Spring is on its way! Let's get in gear for the great things that will help us prosper and improve our presence in the communities we serve.
Join us forourMonthly Membership Meeting of 2009.
Topics discussed:
Real Estate Financial LiteracyClass Projectwith the Philadelphia Housing Authority
Foreclosure Prevention Workshops throughout the City
NID-Housing Counseling Agency:Counselors needed
2009 Realtist Week Activies- Week of 4/5- Housing Forum, Free CE Classes for members, Women's Council
City of Philadelphia Homebuyer Fair 4/14/09
Who we are - as REALTISTS (R)
What REALTIST WEEK (R) is all about
Why we celebrate REALTIST (R) WEEK
It is time for us to internalize for our own
improvement. It is also time to make a
concerted effort to streghthen our
professional image with the public as we
involve as many of them as possible in this
week's celebration.
During REALTIST (R) week, we move just a bit from
our regular routine to give some time for
this anual observance. In a sense, we pause.
Let us not, how ever, equate pausing with stopping.
In truth, as much progress is oftentimes made
in the pause as in the action. It is the pause that gives us
the time to think, to analyze, to plan. It is only
after these three things are done and
done well- that any action
has an even chance of being productive.
Candis Pressley- President PMBR
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Organized by Philadelphia Metropolitan Board of RealtistWe are a local affiliate chapter of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers. NAREB is the oldest African American Real Estate Trade Association in America. It was founded in 1947 on the principle that all citizens have the right to equal housing opportunities, regardless of race, creed, or color. Our mission is to serve the un-served, and develop creative and effective methods of doing so. Members of the NAREB organization are referred to as REALTISTS . Although comprised principally of African Americans and other minority real estate professionals NAREB is an integrated entity open to all qualified practitioners who are committed to achieving the ideals of the REALTIST theme DEMOCRACY IN HOUSING. Moreover, The % of African American Homeowners is reducing dramatically and drastically and our organization is committed to INCREASING this number
Ticket Info: - Member, $5.99
- Member, Free
- Non-member, $7.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/248331767/upcoming