This powerful drama tells the true story of Nina Einhorn's life, from her childhood in Poland in the 1930s to her death in Sweden in 2002. Rather than a conventional docudrama, it is a feature film with Nina herself as the storyteller. Director Lena Einhorn, her daughter, based the film on her award winning novel, 'Nina's Resa.' This remarkable story ends where it began when Nina returns to the apartment in Lodz from which she had fled in 1940. 'Four Weeks in June' revolves around the meeting between Sandra, an unhappy young woman, and Lilly, an older, cranky, secretive Jewish lady who lives upstairs in their dilapidated apartment house. In spite of the differences in age and background, the two connect and an unexpected friendship develops between them. Ghita Norby as Lilly won the Swedish equivalent of the Academy Award.
Added by Upcoming Robot on April 28, 2008