Senior Staff Training is an opportunity for PFS sponsoring organizations to collaborate and strategize program specific objectives for the upcoming summer. This meetings provide both new and returning sponsors the opportunity to learn and share best practices, troubleshoot, and exchange information. Each PFS site is represented on by the local organizations Site Coordinators and Project Directors and Academic advisors.
Training Objectives:
All Project Directors, Site Coordinators and Academic Advisors will have an opportunity to acquaint themselves with one another and the PFS programing operating principles.
All Project Directors, Site Coordinators and Academic Advisors will know and have had an opportunity to practice their site based roles.
All Senior Staff will have a mutually agreeable plan on how best to support, teach, and supervise SPFS Staff and manage a successful summer program site.
All Senior Staff will know well what their roles are for Servant Leader Training (June 3-9, 2009)
All Senior Staff will have a common understanding of program administration procedures.
Physical, signed copies of Registration forms, Liability, and Media Forms (emailed after online registration) must be delivered or faxedto PFS Central office by March 13th, 2009.
For More information, please contact:
Organized by Philadelphia Freedom Schools FederationThe success of the Philadelphia Freedom Schools program depends on the support and involvement of community organizations and institutions serving all regions of Philadelphia. This federation of organizations works together to insure that Philadelphia Freedom Schools continue to be an available opportunity for Philadelphia children and youth. Members of the PFS Federation include: Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Frankford Family Support Center, Friends Neighborhood Guild, Say Yes to Education, United Communities of Southeast Philadelphia and University ofPennsylvania Netter Center for Community Partnerships.
Ticket Info: Registration, Free
Official Website: http://pfsss-upcoming.eventbrite.com