We will be holding our very first Philadelphia CocoaHeads meeting at IndyHall in Old City.
A rough agenda for our first meetup:
Meet & Greet - Communicate with other humans using the high bandwidth "face-to-face" protocol.
Show & Tell - Got something cool you're working on and want to share it? Please do so.
Main event - Some interesting person will talk about an interesting Cocoa programming topic for awhile.
This meeting's MAIN EVENT will be given by Andy Mroczkowski who will (tentatively) be giving a walkthrough of creating a deploying your first Cocoa application.
Again, we're meeting at IndyHall:
Official Website: http://cocoaheads.org/us/PhiladelphiaPennsylvania/index.html
Added by amrox on August 5, 2008
Just noticed that the event is listed as being at 7pm on the cocoaheads.org site - is that the correct time or is it 7am-9am as listed here?
I'll be there for sure!
Nice catch Rob, I fixed the time. It is 7 PM - 9 PM.
I would like to attend, I should know whether I can sometime tomorrow.
I'm going to do my absolute best to attend, but getting into the city from Blue Bell by 7am is going to be a challenge for me due to distance and taking care of kids in the morning. So I am kindly requesting an evening or weekend event in the future. ;) Thanks!