1026 Race St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

PHILADELPHIA, PA (August 27, 2012) –

On Friday, September 14, 2012 at 6pm, Philadelphia Asian American Film & Filmmakers will host a fundraiser dinner at Joy Tsin Lau Restaurant (1026 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA). City Councilman David Oh, Chair of the Committee on Global Opportunities and Creative/Innovative Economy will give the keynote speech for the evening. All proceeds will go towards the 5th Annual Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival Presented By HBO. PAAFF ’12 takes place from November 7-17th at The International House’s Ibrahim Theater in University City and at the Asian Arts Initiative in Philly Chinatown.

The fundraiser dinner will feature a 10-course Chinese dinner, live music from local artists, complimentary wine, cash bar, silent auction and door prizes. Tickets are $50 each and can be purchased online by Friday, September 7th at:


Tickets can also be purchased at the door, but you must email rsvp by Monday, September 10th to info@phillyasianfilmfest.org.

The Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival (PAAFF) is sponsored primarily by HBO and Comcast and is the first event of its kind in Philadelphia – a film festival celebrating and elevating the Asian American experience. In three short years, PAAFF is proud to have screened over 100 films (Documentaries, Narrative Features and Shorts) of culturally relevant programming to a broad audience while providing sponsors with a meaningful platform to engage the community.

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For more information about PAAFF’12, please visit www.phillyasianfilmfest.org or contact Kitty L. Garrett, Special Projects Manager / PR at kitty@phillyasianfilmfest.org.

Official Website: http://www.phillyasianfilmfest.org/festival/fundraiser-banquet/

Added by kgarrett04 on August 27, 2012

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