Bandung, West Java


The Key issues of contract are the ownership of hydrocarbons and state sovereignty of natural resources, goals of petroleum policy, state participation, petroleum authorities, the role of national companies, exploration and production regulations.

Contractual systems consist of concession contract, production contractual contracts and other contractual form. Mostly, Production Sharing Contracts are applied in Indonesia. However, other contractual from can also be applied. Petroleum is common property resources, therefore its management should give greatest benefit for the people

* Dynamics of Petroleum Business
* Methods to Measure Profit Indicators
* Government Take from Tax and non Tax
* Important Issues on Law, Fiscal and Frame work of Upstream Petroleum Contracts
* General Assessment on Petroleum Exploitation and Production Concession
* Production Sharing Contract
* Other Contractual Systems
* Comparison between Systems
* Petroleum Contracts in Indonesia


* Engineers and Staff (Production, Operations, Facilities, Reservoir, Petroleum, Optimization, Design, Construction, and Maintenance)
* Geoscientists (Geologists, Geophysicists, and Petro physicists)
* Non Engineers (Accounting, Finance, Legal, Planning, Contract, Support)
* Team Leaders, Supervisors, Superintendents, and Managers
* Anybody who wish to know Petroleum Contractual System


1. Dinamika Pengusahaan MIGAS
2. Cadangan (reserve) dan Produksi MIGAS
3. Metoda-metoda mengukur indikator Keuntungan
4. Menentukan Pilihan dari Alternatif Biaya
5. Pajak dan Penerimaan Pemerintah Bukan Pajak
6. Plan of Development and Autorization for Expenditure
7. Statistik untuk Proyek Migas
8. Manajemen Resiko dan Analisis Sensitivitas
9. Analisis Resiko dan Pengambilan Keputusan
10. Simulasi Monte Carlo
11. Hukum dan Perundang-undangan Pertambangan Migas
12. Kontrak-kontrak Pengusahaan Migas

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 22, 2009

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