April 13 – Kathleen Graber & Ciaran Berry & Colin Cheney
Kathleen Graber is the recipient of fellowships from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and The Rona Jaffe Foundation. Her first collection, Correspondence, was selected by Bob Hicok as the winner of the 2005 Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize. She has poems forthcoming in The American Poetry Review and The Georgia Review.
Ciaran Berry received his MFA from New York University, where he was awarded a New York Times fellowship, and where he currently teaches in the Expository Writing Program. His work has appeared most recently in AGNI, The Threepenny Review, Green Mountains Review, The Missouri Review and Notre Dame Review. He is originally from the northwest of Ireland.
Colin Cheney is currently finishing his MFA at New York University, where he teaches in the Expository Writing Program. In 2006, he
received a Ruth Lilly Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. Mr. Cheney's work has appeared most recently in New Delta Review, RUNES, Isotope, and Fourteen Hills. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Official Website: http://www.petescandystore.com/bigpoetry/index.html