6500 Middlebelt
Garden City, Michigan

Other performance dates/times are Feb. 6 at 7:00 pm and Feb. 7 at 2:00 pm.

Come see the 49th annual production of live drama for children sponsored by the American Association of University Women! Children attending will see the wonder of Peter Pan and meet the characters after the performance. All proceeds provide college scholarships for girls and women in our communities.

Tickets available at:
Sideways in Plymouth, 505 Forest Ave.
Fanatic U in Garden City, 30409 Ford Rd.
Perkos Shoes in Livonia, 33426 Five Mile Rd.

Or send self-addressed stamped envelope by Jan. 28 to:
Play Tickets
13270 Foxboro Ct.
Plymouth, MI 48170

For more information, email AAUW_PlymouthCanton@yahoo.com or call 734-546-3122

Added by mmnick on January 17, 2009

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