Peter Lubbers -- co-author of Pro HTML5 Programming and former Special Forces commando -- brings back to Skills matter his cutting-edge HTML5 “Fast Track” course this October.
Attendees will learn about all the major feature areas that make up HTML5:
Semantic markup and forms
Graphics and 3D
Device access
Offline and Storage
HTML5 is the next major milestone in HTML and it is not just another incremental enhancement; it represents an enormous advance for modern web applications. HTML5 is such a big step forward; everybody is talking about it (and how often do these companies agree on anything at all?):
“The Web has not seen this level of transformation, this level of acceleration, in the past ten years… we're betting big on HTML5”? - Vic Gundotra, VP of Engineering, Google
"The world is moving to HTML5”?— Steve Jobs, Apple
"If you want to do something universal, there is no question, the world is going HTML5. That is clear...The world is just pushing down this HTML5 path and so are we." -- Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft
Don't miss your chance for two days of intense HTML5 training!
Official Website:
Added by skills.matter on August 30, 2011