Create and Deliver Surprisingly Compelling Software Demonstrations
"Do The Last Thing First" -- the recipe for a Great Demo!
This is an interactive workshop with Peter Cohan geared especially for you who demonstrate B-to-B software to your customer and channels. Bring a copy of your demo and be prepared to present it -- we'll help you turn it into a surprisingly compelling demo!
"Peter Cohan's Great Demo method really works. It helped us win DEMOgod, and it has allowed us to explain our offering much more clearly to prospects."
Chaim Indig, CEO, Phreesia
Establish a framework, including skills and processes, to create and deliver improved software demonstrations and increase success in the sales and deployment of your organization's software products.
1. Determine the right content for a demonstration, based on the customer's business needs and objectives.
2. Organize the content in a novel, logical progression that maps to audience needs and depth of interest and engage and prove your capabilities within the first six minutes of the demonstration.
3. Prepare demonstrations using the new method.
4. Present demonstrations with the highest probability of success in achieving the desired objectives.
5. Manage a range of real-life situations and scenarios.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Peter Cohan, Principal at Second Derivative
Community Web Site:
Peter Cohan is the founder and a principal of The Second Derivative, a consultancy focused on helping software organizations improve their sales and marketing results. In July 2004, he enabled and began moderating DemoGurus(R), a community web exchange dedicated to helping sales and marketing teams improve their software demonstrations. In 2003, he authored Great Demo!, a book that provides methods to create and execute compelling demonstrations. The 2nd edition of Great Demo! was published March 2005.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 10, 2010