Providence Hospice of Seattle will hold a workshop on end-of-life planning. The public is invited to attend this free event, which is aimed at the Vietnamese community. Attendees will learn about how to talk with loved ones about how they would want to spend their final days - and making sure their wishes are written down. This event focuses on The Five Wishes, a form that is legal in Washington and many other states that helps guide families through planning for end-of-life care. Such documents provide written instructions to guide family, physicians and other healthcare providers on people's wishes at times when they are either too ill or hurt to express themselves. There are no right or wrong answers - just individual wishes.
This workshop coincides with National Healthcare Decisions Day, which is held in April.
It's not unusual for people to struggle when starting these conversations. However, by avoiding the conversation, families and loved ones are often faced with making difficult choices at the end of life without knowing what their loved one would want.
Such discussions and planning help ensure that individuals' wishes are met at the end of their lives. According to a 2008 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), research found that when patients had end-of-life discussions with physicians, they chose fewer aggressive interventions. Individuals made choices that result in:
* 8.3 times less likely to be resuscitated
* 6.9 times less likely to be on a ventilator
* 3 times less likely to be in a hospital Intensive Care Unit
* Earlier and longer enrollment in hospice care
Another way to start the conversation about one's end-of-life wishes is to obtain a form that guides people through the topic. There are several types of advance directives: Living Wills, Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) forms, Five Wishes and Durable Powers of Attorney for Health Care (DPOA).
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 28, 2013