5039 Falls of Neuse Road (Quail Corners Shopping Center)
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina 27609


Pete combines Yodeling and Scatting to form what he calls "Scodeling" which he uses in some of his original songs. The songs he writes run the gamut from sensitive and thought provoking, to the belly laugh.
He performs at Coffeehouses, Festivals, House Concerts, UU Churches and Camps from NY, Key West to Seattle, WA.
Pete is currently Treasurer for the NC Songwriters Co-op.

He has three tapes, two CDs, and sheet music for some songs available.

Go to www.peteleary.com for lyrics to Pete Leary's songs and an MP3 file of "The Hardware Store".

Added by Perkyswank on September 27, 2005

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