PETE BERNHARD (Devil Makes Three)
Emily Jane White
Conspiracy of Venus (women's choir)
8 pm
All Ages
The Devil Makes Three frontman goes solo, laying down sad, sweet folkie blues tunes. "Pete Bernhard's cigarette-smoked vocals and honky-tonk finger picking is music I would listen to as I walked into the glinting sunset, moments after I killed a man, six-shooter smoking, and the cold hand of remorse creeping into my dusty heart." -- Portland Mercury
Smokey, sad folk-country-blues tunes. "Emily Jane White is a rare solo performer who can cut through noisy club din and turn antsy foot traffic into apt listeners. Her voice pierces the egos of those within earshot; it's a low, lilting alto, often compared to Chan Marshall and Hope Sandoval." -- SF Weekly
Conspiracy of Venus was formed in early 2007 with the artistic direction of Joyce Todd McBride, whose unique and haunting arrangements bring new dimensions to familiar songs. The choir is devoted to exploring the art and technique of singing music in a community environment. Our repertoire ranges from cutting edge to classic and includes songs by Bjork, Joni Mitchell, Hildegard von Bingen, Tom Waits, Rufus Wainwright, and Leonard Cohen. This sister group to Conspiracy of Beards (the all male Leonard Cohen choir) rings out approximately 30 voices strong and continually intrigues Bay-Area audiences.
Added by jessie woletz on March 29, 2009