Personable Business Intros & Info...a productive, comfortable and informative networking experience
Intros-the structured networking provides you opportunity to
*meet amazing people up to interesting things in the world
*tell us about you, your business & what's important to you-uninterrupted
*make meaningful connections that lead to prospects, resources, support and referrals
Info-learn to elevate your professionalism, improve communication within a collaborative approach:
This month's speaker is Craig Harrison talking about Merge NOW with WOW to Create Customers for Life.
Whether you're a sales professional, solopreneur, business development expert, sell products or provide professional services, you will lead your field when you sharpen your service orientation. Learn how to deliver stellar service in person, on the telephone, through email and over the Internet to win the hearts and minds of your clients and customers. Discover strategies for building lifetime relationships with customers, saluting your squawkers, upselling, cross-selling, and more.
About Craig Harrison
Professional speaker Craig Harrison is the author of 5 books, including 2012's Stellar Service! Known as "The Voice of Customer Service" Harrison is founder and chief excellence officer of Expressions of Excellence and regularly trains, coaches, and motivates sales and service staffs to deliver excellence. Using humor, stories, improv games, and more, Craig turn service laggards into service leaders with his fun, high-energy presentations.
We look forward to connecting with you.
Kristy Rogers
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on January 20, 2012