3100 Lakeside Dr.
Santa Clara, California 95054

Personable Business Intros & Info...a productive, comfortable and informative networking experience
Intros-the structured networking provides you opportunity to:
*meet amazing people up to amazing things in the world
*tell us about you, your business & what's important to you--uninterrupted
*make meaningful connections that lead to prospects, resources, support and referrals

Info-learn to elevate your professionalism, improve communication within a partnership approach:
This month's speaker is Elayne Savage talking about I Know It's Not Personal, But It Sure Feels Like It.
About Elayne Savage
Dr. Elayne Savage is an internationally recognized expert on overcoming rejection, disappointment and criticism. She is the author of two groundbreaking books on communication published in 9 languages: 'Don't Take It Personally! The Art of Dealing with Rejection' and 'Breathing Room - Creating Space to Be a Couple.' She writes a popular blog: 'Tips from the Queen of Rejection.'
A professional member of the National Speakers Association, she has over twenty-five years in relationship and workplace coaching, consulting, training and clinical experience. She is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist.
Elayne Savage is widely quoted in national and international newspapers, magazines, TV and radio including WashingtonPost.com, CNN.com, Forbes.com, Glamour.com, WebMD, Martha Stewart's Whole Living, Real Simple Magazine, The London Guardian, London Observer Sunday Magazine, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Cosmopolitan, Self, Psychology Today, National Public Radio, Canadian Broadcast Corporation, MSNBC, Associated Press, and BBC World News.
We look forward to connecting with you.

Kristy Rogers

Official Website: http://kristyrogersconnects.com

Added by FullCalendar on January 5, 2012

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