11.30 – Starting at the Fire Station, local TA units (Rifles and RLC), RAF ST Mawgan, and Veterans of all Services, Cadets and Emergency Services will march through Perranporth. The Parade will be led by the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, Lady Mary Holborough.
12.00 – A Service of Celebration and Commemoration will be held on Perranporth Inner Green (open air). During this there will be a presentation of Veterans badges.
13.30 – On the Inner Green there will be displays by local units, service welfare agencies, RBL, local schools, AFCA, Bands and Dance Groups.
20.00 – RNAS Culdrose Volunteer Band will perform in Perranporth Memorial Hall. 3 Veterans will also speak about their experiences both during and after their service
Added by Armed Forces Day on March 18, 2008