319 W. Hastings (upstairs)
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B1H

This indy press tour circuit sees hot underground cultural producers from across North America touring new material up and down the coast to a different city every night under one central guiding mandate: NO BORING READINGS. Maybe you'll get a short film, or a sing-along, or an audience-participation dress-up. Every month's tour sees a new crop of participants cruising on a wish and a dream, coming direct to you to give it to you straight.

This month featuring "percussive rock guitarist" JOANN RIEDL (Milwaukee), "the spirit of poetry" NORMAN CRISTOFOLI (Toronto) and our own "neoclassical futuristic poet" PETER HASKELL. Pay-what-you-can.

Official Website: http://nomediakings.net

Added by UnwashedMass on March 1, 2007

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