Perkerson Elementary School
The Family Law Section of the Atlanta Bar Association, Hands On Atlanta, Perkerson Elementary staff, faculty, students and families will volunteer their time to build a playground for their school. This school is located at 2040 Brewer Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia 30315. As a recipient of the "Challenge" grant, we will follow their community-build model which requires that the playground be built IN ONE DAY!
In addition, we will need help with the other components of this project such as:
Landscape Assistance
Kids Corner Assistance
Food Preparatory agents
Intake Assistance
No Experience is necessary, and we welcome everyone over the age of 10 years old, with adult supervision. We will have a Kids Corner with fun activities. Morning snacks and lunch will be provided!
WHEN: Saturday, March 28,2008 (Rain or Shine)
TIME: 8:00am until 5:00pm
WHERE: Perkerson Elementary School
2040 Brewer Avenue
Atlanta ,Georgia 30315
Please R.S.V.P, so we can better serve our students and you for this day.
Team Perkerson
M. Williams
M. Box
Organized by Team Perkerson
Ticket Info: Perkerson Elementary Playground Project, Free
Official Website: http://perkersonplaygroundproject-upcoming.eventbrite.com