Join us for the launch of our new Sunday series, Sacred Music, Sunday Fellowship, a performance series that complements the ongoing lecture series, Migrations of the Sacred. Our first program in the series features Dominion a Cappella Ensemble, a group that has been singing the praises of Spirit, bringing joy, love and harmony to audiences since 2001. Dominion was founded by Artistic Director Valerie Brown, with the purpose of creating a church group that would be able to sing at a moment’s notice without any instrumentation. Dominion is an ensemble of individuals who not only can sing but also can testify about life’s challenges and how each of them overcame them to sing rich poly-rhythmic harmonies. This program will combine performance and lecture on the meaning and cultural significance of the songs.
Free with MoAD Admission.
Official Website:
Added by kitsaunk on October 21, 2010