The annual SGC Perennial and House Plant Sale is Saturday, September 15th, 2007 from 9:00am -1:00pm in Davis Square (rain or shine). It will be in the park at the intersection of College Ave and Holland Street (across from the Somerville Theater).
This is the SGC's major fundraiser, and the proceeds are used to defray the cost of producing the newsletter, pay guest lecturers and keep down the cost of membership. Receipts also help fund educational activities and community planting sites around the city
• All varieties of plants (perennials, house plants, shrubs, etc) from the most common to the most exotic.
• Divide any candidates ASAP so that the plants will have time to recover and look enticing for the sale.
• Label each plant with the plant name, growing preferences and other pertinent information
Starting September 1st, plants may be dropped off at Teresa McGowan's, 264 Willow Ave (near Ball Square). 617-666-9997 or Lisa Dezmelyk's, 16 Hawthorne [between Cutter and Willow Ave] 617- 776-9587
Before the sale:
• Solicit plants and garden-related donations, and bring to the drop off site for clean up and pricing.
• Distribute fliers to coffee shops, bulletin boards, libraries, city hall, etc.
• Plant clean up, labeling and pricing events in week prior to the sale.
• Gather tables to bring to Davis Square on day of sal
Day of the sale:
• Sale setup at 7:30am.
• Sales ambassadors to help buyers with their purchases.
• Membership table and t-shirt sales.
• Horticultural info table.
• Children's table.
• And --clean up!
Sign-up sheets will be passed at the August and September SGC general meetings. If you cannot make a meeting and would like to volunteer, or need more info, please contact: Teresa McGowan at 617-666-9997
Official Website:
Added by Erik Mallinson on September 5, 2007