1226 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20005

* Rally * March * Educate * Strategize *

On November 15th, President Bush will host a summit for the G20
leaders to address the global financial crisis, but we know that this
crisis cannot be fixed by those who created it.


New Ideas: Now is the time to present alternative visions for society. Real changes must be structural so that this cannot happen again.

People Over Profit: We need a world that puts peoples’ needs first, that respects and promotes human rights and social and environmental justice. We need decent jobs, sustainable livelihoods, and essential services such as health care, education, housing, water, and clean energy.

Democracy Now: Give people power over global resources and the decisions that affect their lives.

For full information, including details of the various events, maps and directions, speakers and biographies - please visit: http://globaljusticeaction.wordpress.com/

To read the Global Call: http://www.truemajority.org/neveragain/

Join the Bank Information Center, Casa de Maryland, Global Justice Action, International Forum on Globalization, Institute for Policy Studies, Jobs with Justice, Students for a Democratic Society, US Action, and the Washington Peace Center...

This Weekend! November 15th -17th to demand New Ideas, People Over Profit, and Democracy Now!

Full Schedule of Events:

4-5pm / Student Power for Accessible Education Day at the Department of Education with DC Students for a Democratic Society. They’ll be rallying outside it with hopscotch and jump rope and showing the world how student debt is connected to the credit crunch, as well as delivering a letter to the Department of Education with representatives from DC area high schools and universities.

5-7pm / People’s Banquet in Lafayette Square - While Bush is hosting a gala dinner for the G20 delegates at the White House, we will be holding a People’s Banquet, a feast for those left hungry and out in the cold by US economic policies. We’re also planning a "Really Really Free Market" and a rally to show how mutual aid can overcome local neoliberalism.

10am-12pm / Rally @ Murrow Park (at the intersection of 18th St, H St, and Pennsylvania Ave NW, across from the World Bank)

12-1pm / Mass March to Luther Place (1226 Vermont Ave NW) for a People’s Forum

1-2pm / Lunch at Luther Place

2pm-8:30pm / People's Forum at Luther Place. While the G20 holds their summit to try and resuscitate their dying ideas, join us to learn about how the financial crisis happened and how it affects your local community, discuss new ideas and alternatives to capitalism, and come together as a movement to organize.

* 2:00-2:15pm / Opening statements from the Global Justice Action organizers
* 2:15-3:00pm / Introduction to the financial crisis and its foundation in global capitalism.
* 3:00-3:45pm / Breakout groups, with experts, to further explore specific facets that contributed to the financial crisis.
* Oil, Energy, and Climate Change
* Housing Crisis and Displacement
* Trade
* 4:00-5:00pm / Fishbowl discussion on alternatives to capitalism, exploring local, national and global models.
* 5:15-6:30pm / Movement discussion and networking - making another world possible.
* 7:30-8:30pm / Closing Panel with Leading Activists from Around the World. Featuring:

Martin Khor, Director of the Third World Network, and board member of the International Forum on Globalization

Njoki Njehu, long-time Director of the Fifty Years is Enough Network

Lidy Nacpil, Filipina activist and long-time leader of Jubilee South

Moderator: John Cavanagh, Director, Institute for Policy Studies

* 11:55pm / G20 Going Away Party in Dupont Circle. Join Global Justice Action for a rowdy march to bid farewell to the G20.

Official Website: http://globaljusticeaction.wordpress.com/

Added by Saify111 on November 14, 2008

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