The Barrow Group presents the world-premiere of People Talk, an original show by Lisa Ebersole and Sidse Soerensen. People Talk will be performed on The Barrow Group’s main stage, December 15 and 16 at 8:00pm.
People Talk is the premiere production of TBG’s Women’s Development Group, F.A.B. Women, which supports projects originated by female artists. Ms. Ebersole and Ms. Soerensen met at F.A.B. Women and joined forces to create a show that gives voice to “the many characters we’ve encountered on the streets and in our minds.” The evening begins with a tour guide who “ filling in for the guy who usually does this...and then they found something else...” On the fictional “tour” of midtown Manhattan, audience members are transported to a wedding, a funeral, a writers’ group, a reality TV audition, an alcoholics anonymous meeting, the F train at rush hour, and a peculiar graduation ceremony.
Tickets: $25 regular admission; $15 for students. Tickets are available on, or by calling 212.868.4444.
People Talk will run 75 minutes without intermission.
Official Website:
Added by TBG Theatre on December 3, 2009