50th & Madison Ave.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68504

Part of the 2009 One Book One Lincoln special programming and events.

The Sarajevo Haggadah was treasured and protected by many people as it passed through generations. The people of this book were of many faiths, but each risked their own life and called upon their own faith, as they sought to ensure the safety of this holy book. Please join us for an opportunity to meet people of other faiths and traditions as we explore the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) represented in People of the Book. Panel members will join moderator Reverend Pauletta Lehn, University Minister, Nebraska Wesleyan University, to talk about matters of spirituality, history and tradition as observed by each faith and share their personal experiences. They will also discuss the relationships these religions have had over the centuries and ask the audience to join in discussing the present day search for peace and cooperation among all faiths.

Official Website: http://www.lincolnlibraries.org/depts/bookguide/obol/obol2009/programs.htm

Added by Cannellfan on August 31, 2009