215 East Main Street 618-277-1026
Belleville, Illinois 62220

PeopleNoise is a name that constitutes sound, and a lot of it.
They began making music in early January of 2006 after a ten year involvement with VHS or Beta came to a hault. One of the founding members of VoB, Zeke Buck, together with Matt Johnson on drums, have set out to do some of the things that they were never really able to do before in past groups.
There is a very human and somewhat introverted playfulness that appears on songs like 'A Million Lives' & The Sun & The Moon, The Moon & The Sea. Desperate and spirited Aphex Twin like moments which at very times breaks in an external guitar driven frenzy. It gives quick glimpse to some of the earlier songs on their upcoming album (songs like 'Sedation', and 'Harrison Bergeron'). Their range recalls some of the earlier alternative rock days of bands like Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana & Radiohead, yet still birthing a sincerity and un-retro quality altogether its own. It shows an interesting voice of internal & external relationships, revealing a dynamic of textures and color not found on many albums today. "We want to make a record that is altogether more human. Something that is at times awkward and stumbling, and at other times, alive with a determined ambition." The result is an expedition into sound and self. A rock band like few others. Stay tuned to their site, and watch a band surely poised to take off.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of zekebuck.

Added by zekebuck on January 25, 2007

Interested 1