801 S Elm St,
Searcy, Arkansas 72143

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Christ International will be hosting their 1st Annual Holy Convocation June 18th - June 20th, 2009. Our Special Guest are Elder Donald Miller from Little Rock Arkansas, Overseer Brain Hayden form Louisville Kentucky, Overseer Marcus S. Lewis from Brownsville Tennessee and many more. The event will be held at the Carmichael Community Center located at 801South Elm Searcy Arkansas. There will be morning and evening worship services, enlightening seminars. Come worship with us! Registration is $25 for adults and $15 for youth and teens. Deadline for early bird registration is April 20th, 2009. Late Registration starts April 21, 2009 $30 for adults and $20 for youth and teens.

Call the hotel to book your room:
Holiday Inn Express, 501 Willow St, Searcy, Arkansas 72143, (501) 279-9191.
Mention Reservation Code: PAC Holy Convocation
Room Rate is $84 p/night (taxes included in price)

Official Website: http://pacholyconvocation.eventbrite.com/

Added by sharenrooksagency on May 26, 2009

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