Peninsula Volunteers, Inc., celebrates two decades of award-winning literature at its 20th anniversary Authors Salon Luncheon on Sunday, April 10, 2010, in partnership with Kepler's Books in Menlo Park. The event features Robert Hirst, editor of the Mark Twain Project, recently released as Autobiography of Mark Twain: Vol. 1. Authors of fiction, non-fiction and mystery include Bo Caldwell, whose novel 'City of Tranquil Light' was the Indie Notable Pick for October 2010; Patricia Lopes Don, author of 'Bonfires of Culture', focusing on the religious aspects of the Spanish encounter in the New World; mystery writer Barry Eisler, whose latest thriller is 'Inside Out'; and New York Times best-selling author Simon Winchester, whose most recent book is 'Atlantic'. Silicon Valley mystery writer Keith Raffel will moderate the panel. Authors Salon tickets are $95; a portion of the ticket is tax-deductible, proceeds to benefit Peninsula Volunteers' five programs. The event will be held at The Fourth Street Summit Center, 88 South Fourth St, San Jose. Parking at the Fourth Street Garage is complimentary. Contact Cathy Duhring for tickets or additional information at 650-326-0665 x238.
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Added by FullCalendar on March 7, 2011