Time: 2008/5/31-2008/6/1
Venue: NCPA-Theatre
Price: 100/160/220/280/380/580
MSN: ponypiaoen@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-10-64177845
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Performed by Tianjin Peking Opera Troupe
Early in the 15th century, a huge fleet of ships set sail from Nanjing. It was the first of a series of voyages that would, for a brief period, establish Chinaas the leading power of the age. The voyage was led by Zheng He, themost important Chinese adventurer of all time and one of the greatestsailors the world has ever known. In fact, some people think he was theoriginal model for the legendary Sinbad the Sailor.
Zheng'sfleet had more than 300 ships and 30,000 sailors. The largest vessels,133-meter-long "treasure ships", had up to nine masts and could carry athousand people. Along with a Han and Muslim crew, Zheng opened uptrade routes in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia.
Thevoyages helped expand foreign interest in Chinese goods such as silkand porcelain. In addition, Zheng He brought exotic foreign items backto China,including the first giraffe ever seen there. At the same time, thefleet's obvious strength meant that the Emperor of China commandedrespect and inspired fear all over Asia.
WhileZheng He's main aim was to show the superiority of Ming China, he oftengot involved in the local politics of places he visited. In Ceylon, for instance, he helped restore the legitimate ruler to the throne.
On the island of Sumatra, now part of Indonesia, he defeated the army of a dangerous pirate and took him to China for execution.
Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn
Added by One Night in Beijing on May 14, 2008