Econsultancy’s Peer Summit, now in its third year, is our invitation-only event for senior client-side digital marketers to help you meet your peers and learn from each other about the latest best practice, what's working and what's not.
It's a 'hands-on' participatory event: you will network and learn through discussion, roundtables and debate.
The Roundtable Format
The topic-focused roundtable format allows you to discuss a number of subjects that are most relevant to you and find out from your peers how they are addressing the challenges and opportunities you are also facing. These typically include questions around best practice, measurement, ROI, resourcing, supplier selection, recruitment, business processes, budgeting, trends etc.
There are three roundtable sessions of an hour and fifteen minutes each. Each roundtable is moderated and focuses on a particular topic with the roundtable attendees proposing specific questions or challenges they wish to discuss on that topic in the time available.
So the specific agenda for each topic roundtable will depend on the input of the delegates.
Official Website:
Added by ayc on May 17, 2011