314 Main St
Houston, Texas 77002

Come to the Peepshow Creepshow this Saturn-day night -One night only!
Spectacular surprises!
Carnie spirituals from:
Attic Ted http://www.myspace.com/atticted
Bob Taylor's Latest Review http://www.myspace.com/bobtaylorslatestreview
The Carnys http://www.myspace.com/thecarnys
ART by the fantastic Bob Taylor! (art on view and available for purchase for 6 weeks)
8ish - 2am!
Carnie costume and persona strongly encouraged!

If you want to do a 5 minute or longer performance in the Peepshow window, you are more than welcome! Just show up in costume and bring your own props. Also, if you have a specific song you prefer to use, bring it in CD or CDR format.

This is not intended to be a traditional sexy lady "peepshow" - more like "creepshow" - so any type of performance counts...you can dance, you can sing, you can play the mouthharp and shake your rump at the same time in a leisure suit, if you want....anything goes! Use your imagination! and if anyone has ever wanted to take a stab at being burlesque or risque and exhibit this for an (unseen) audience, now is your chance! (all types, sizes, races, sexes, classes, species, etc. welcome!)

...pass it on if you feel the carnie urge!!!!

Added by Mouserwho on December 5, 2008

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