24 Alexander Street
Brampton, Ontario

Calling all Peel Region youth!

Are you between 15 and 24?
Interested in environmental issues?
Want to be a green leader in your community?

Sign-up for Earth Day Canada’s FREE EcoMentors training!

Saturday, November 27th, 2010
10:00am - 3:30pm
Central Public School Recreation Centre
24 Alexander Street
Brampton, Ontario

To register visit: www.ecomentors.ca

Registration deadline: Thursday, November 25th, 2010

For more information contact Josh: 416-599-1991 ext. 103 or ecomentors@earthday.ca

This fun, exciting, and free training session is open to all youth. You’ll learn how you can be an EcoMentor, take action on the environmental issues that matter you, and meet other environmentally-conscious youth… while earning volunteer hours and cool green rewards!

Official Website: http://www.ecomentors.ca/pub/resources/sessions.cfm

Added by EcoMentors on November 10, 2010

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