8910 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA
Los Angeles, California 90232

After the popularity of our last outing there, we are excited to come back to Royal/T. Like last time this event is being curated by Mikie Shioya, whose line-up includes:

Barry Morse (Artist / Make-up artist & Hairstylist) + Martin Levinne (Photographer) // Bobby Okinaka (Web content producer, Tokyo a la Mode) // Griffin (Present Future Films / Harmony Book) // John Pearson (Artist) // Jordan A. Yamaji Smith ( Academic / Writer / Translator) // Nicholas Rucka (Filmmaker / Japanese film critic) // Lun*na Menoh (Artist / Fashion designer) // R Scott Mitchell (Architect, Gigante AG) // Tosh Berman (Publisher, TamTam Books) // Yasmine Mohseni (Arts Writer / Independent Curator) // Kaitlin Drisko (Architect) + Sara Wookey (Artist + Choreographer) // Pilar Tompkins (Curator, Claremont Museum of Art) // Leila Khastoo (Owner, Khastoo Gallery)...

and we will have a special appearance by a World Champion Sumo Wrestler in town for the 2008 US Sumo Open!

Our moderator will again be international YouTube celebrity Ken Tanaka.

The event is free, RSVP required: RSVP@royal-t.org
Thanks for joining us.

Official Website: http://pecha-kucha.org/cities/los-angeles/14

Added by Pecha Kucha Night on August 22, 2008