On Tuesday, October 24th, as part of its Nights at the Mountain series at (of course) the Mountain Bar in Chinatown, the Los Angeles Forum for Architecture & Urban Design is holding its fourth Pecha Kucha night, with LA Forum member, John Southern as host.
Pecha Kucha is a Japanese term that roughly translates as chit-chat, or perhaps as irritating chatter. Pecha Kucha is a lot of fun for short attention spans. Pecha Kucha is a new kind of venue for anyone involved in, or interested in, architecture, design, fashion, & art.
Originally created by Tokyo's Klein Dytham Architects, Pecha Kucha consists of 20 people showing 20 images each, each for 20 seconds. The presentations start at 8:20 (20:20 in military time). There will be no running over, there will be no turning back, there will be no cover. Be sure to bring your friends & come thirsty.
Pecha Kucha is intended to inspire a broad mix of participants - from well-known practitioners to students, recent graduates, & new firms presenting their work for the first time. Since the Forum brought PK night to Los Angeles in 2004, the event has spread to the London ICA & the Burgdorf School of Architecture in Czechoslovakia. Come join us.
forum nights at the mountain
The following rules for Pecha Kucha were developed by Klein Dytham Architects. With grateful permission, they have been copied wholesale from Klein Dytham but updated to reflect its staging in Los Angeles.
Here is YOUR chance to tell the world about YOUR design, YOUR thoughts, YOUR ideas at the Mountain Bar. Hosted by the LA Forum, anyone in the art, architecture, or design world can 'show' & tell. It may be a newly finished building, it may be a new project, a new piece of furniture, a new event, a new idea, or something unexpected that you want to share with everyone.
We encourage architects, architectural students, students who are looking for a job & want to promote their skills, any creative person, everyone. There will be 20 slots, each person has twenty images, each image will be shown for 20 seconds. You can talk along with your slides, if you want.
1. 20 slots on a first come - first serve basis
2. 20 images, 1024 x 768 pixels in JPEG format
3. Basically the presentation must be 20 slides. Quicktime movies are acceptable as long as they don't exceed 7min total.
4. 20 seconds - each image will be shown for 20 seconds - the presenter has NO control over this - the computer will be set at 20 seconds, there is no going back. Practice your presentation!
5. Images, 1024 x 768 pixels in JPEG format, to be by 6pm, 30 October through e-mail (3MB at a time) sent to [email]uo1975@gmail.com[/email]
6. The LA Forum will announce in e-mail who is speaking a couple days prior to the event
7. The presentation will be recorded and become available as part of series in CD-R form the LA Forum.
Please note the wrong sized/formatted data will be sent back to you to be corrected.
If you'd like to be a presenter, please forward the info below to John Southern at uo1975@gmail.com
with a subject title "P-NITE Presenters".
Company/Group Name:
Urbanops.org: A research division of Urban Operations Studio.
817 Silver Lake Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA
Official Website: http://laforum.org/pecha_kucha_night_at_the_mountain_october_24th_2006
Added by kiracle on October 8, 2006