Buffalo- Pecha Kucha Night
Featuring Graphic Designers (Shelly Bronson, Brian Grunert, Hero Design, Colin Kahn, Richard Kegler, Nicole Lecht, Julian Montague, David Moore, Kyle Schlesinger) discussing their work, presented by Hallwalls in the basement of The Church - 341 Delaware Ave. at Tupper. Gen. Admission - $4. Students - $2. Free for members of: Hallwalls, WNYBAC, AIGA, Advertising Club of Buffalo
From Wired magazine:
"The key to the success of the Pecha Kucha evenings springing up across the world over the last two years -- they now exist in around 30 cities, from Bogota to Buffalo -- is simplicity. Participants get a six-minute pitch in which they can show 20 slides, and talk for 20 seconds about each one."
Official Website: http://www.p22.com/wnybookarts/2007/03/wny-typo-fest-may-8-11.php
Added by WNYBAC on April 16, 2007