San Francisco is the top Pecha Kucha city in the world outside Tokyo, no doubt due to the abundant talent and spirit of community in the Bay Area - Thank you! If you haven't join in the conversation, it's never too late to start. Now, we are joined by a growing global community of nearly 300 like-minded, creative communities connecting for inspiration, collaboration and transformation. Wanna get in thiat, don't you?
We invite you creators of all kinds from product design, interactive media, illustration, fashion, graphics, film, architecture & landscape - virtual and real- to stand-up and show the world what they can do.
This is the San Francisco version of Pecha Kucha, originally created by Klein Dytham Architecture in Tokyo and brought to you live by Paul Jamtgaard and Team PK-sf
Official Website:
Added by folkie on October 14, 2010