1825 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97201

Rasmus Lerdorf will be in town for Open Source Bridge and has graciously offered to lead a meeting for PDXPHP. So the Tuesday before the OSBridge festivities kick off, He (and possible a few other speakers in town), will lead a discussion on various PHP and web topics.
Rasmus is of course know for creating the PHP language but is also an expert in application security, and is currently employed with Yahoo as an Infrastructure Architecture Engineer, so there will be no shortage of interesting topics for this meeting.

  • event is in room 338

Pizza and Beverages provided so show up hungry
*Note this meeting is the 3rd Tuesday of the month (not the regular 2nd Tuesday)

Special thanks to our sponsor:

Fine Design Group

Official Website: http://pdxphp.org/meetings/2009/june

Added by samkeen on June 4, 2009