People using Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at
The idea is that we can record ideas for topics and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December.
• Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals.
• Field Guide (we demo favorite finds)
• Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)
We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector.
You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009
Snacks provided
107 SE Washington Suite 520. That’s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark)
(Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.)
Official Website:!w%252BExjjazTkD.1
Added by pdxsays on December 8, 2009